Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Nabil A. Ibrahim
Leslie W. Rue
Patricia P. McDougall
G. Robert Greene
ABSTRACT. There is a sizeable group of self-described
"Christian" companies which have declared their belief in
the successful merging of biblical principles with business
activities. As these companies have become more visible, an
increasing number of anecdotal newspaper and magazine
articles about these companies have appeared. Surprisingly,
no rigorous research has been conducted prior to our recent
study. This article provides national estimates of the size and
predominant characteristics of self-identified "Christian"
companies. In addition, the study investigated the types of
relationships these companies maintained with their employees,
customers, communities, and suppliers.
coming of the Messiah. It is an evolutionary world: you get somewhere
Rev. Gabriel Franks, Ph.D.
In July 1970 Professor Nicholas Lobkowicz (now of the University
of Munich) gave a series of lectures at Notre Dame University. I had
the good fortune to attend these discussions on the ideas of Karl Marx.
We of the Western world tend to look upon Marx as being utterly
evil, as having nothing of importance to tell us, as having been a
cause of much woe and nothing good. In the countries of the so-called
Eastern bloc, on the other hand, there is a tendency to regard his
every word to be of i n f a l l i b l e inspiration, and to take the view that
Marx could do no wrong, a view which Marx himself would have looked
upon with some trepidation.

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010


The Impact of Behaviors upon Burnout Among
Parish-Based Clergy
Benjamin R. Doolittle
Published online: 24 October 2008
Blanton-Peale Institute 2008
Identifying protective behaviors that may prevent against burnout is important for the longterm
emotional health of individual clergy as well as the wider church. This research
reports findings among 358 parish-based clergy that identifies the prevalence of burnout
and correlates this data with demographic risk factors and protective behaviors. Clergy
who met criteria for burnout were younger, identified themselves as being depressed and
unsatisfied with their spiritual life, and have endured a traumatic church placement. This
research also suggests that having a variety of interests and activities outside of one’s
vocation may protect against burnout. In particular, behaviors that enhance relationships—
such as seeking mentors and attending retreats—as well as pursuing outside activities—
such as regular exercise and scholarly reading—protect against burnout. Further implications
for the wider church are discussed.


Generativity and the U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops’
Responses to Priests’ Sexual Abuse of Minors
Clare McGrath-Merkle
Published online: 25 September 2009
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
are applied to ‘‘the clerical abuse crisis,’’ in which 111 U.S. Roman Catholic bishops
protected priests rather than safeguard children. The goal was to discover what psychological
dispositions led bishops to act in the manner they did. A case is made that pre-existing
tendencies coupled with an all-male, celibate environment and formation indoctrination led
to deficits in psychological development, moral judgment and leadership capacity, revealing
an Episcopal subculture characterized by pseudo-speciation and authoritism.
In this article, Erik Erikson’s and subsequent researchers’ ideas on generativity
Generativity Clerical abuse crisis Erik Erikson Roman Catholic bishops
It seems intuitively right that some kinds of highly effective leaders owe their success
to their generative capacities and inclinations. Major failings in leadership may
signal shortcomings in generativity as well. To our knowledge, however, no research
or theorizing has focused explicitly on the relations between generativity and leadership
(McAdams and De St. Aubin
Erik Erikson’s ideal of
in depth by subsequent thinkers and researchers. This article explores these ideas and
research findings and relates them to what has been called ‘‘the clerical abuse crisis,’’ in
which a majority of U.S. Roman Catholic bishops protected priests rather than safeguard
children. The goal is to discover what, if any, psychological dispositions led bishops to act
in the manner they did.

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


Monty L. Lynn
Michael J. Naughton
Steve VanderVeen
ABSTRACT. Workplace spirituality research has sidestepped
religion by focusing on the function of belief
rather than its substance. Although establishing a unified
foundation for research, the functional approach cannot
shed light on issues of workplace pluralism, individual or
institutional faith-work integration, or the institutional
roles of religion in economic activity. To remedy this, we
revisit definitions of spirituality and argue for the place of
a belief-based approach to workplace religion. Additionally,
we describe the construction of a 15-item
measure of workplace religion informed by Judaism and
Christianity – the Faith at Work Scale (FWS). A stratified
random sample (
assisted in refining the FWS which exhibits a single factor
structure (Eigenvalue = 8.88; variance accounted for =
59.22%) that is internally consistent (Cronbach’s
n = 234) of managers and professionals
Faith Maturity Scale (
shows lower skew and kurtosis with Mainline and
Catholic adherents than with Mormons and Evangelicals.
Validation of the scale among Jewish and diverse
Christian adherants would extend research in workplace
KEY WORDS: Christianity, Faith at Work Scale,
Judaism, psychometric, scale, vocation, workplace
spirituality, workplace religion
= 0.77) and demonstrates convergent validity with ther = 0.81, p > 0.0001). The scale
Max Weber’s provocative work, and the Spirit of Capitalism among sociologists and historians over religion’s contribution to economic growth (cf. Jones,  Radoki, have explored religiosity’s connection to virtue, emotion, personality, health, and other aspects of human functioning (Emmons and Paloutzian,
Pargament et al., veins, distinctive and potent connections have been identified between religiosity and human behavior and social systems. Sandwiched between the macro realm of the economy and the micro realm of psychology, the field of workplace spirituality has been taking shape (Giacalone and Jurkiewicz,  For a variety of reasons, however, scholars have eschewed religion and have focused on spirituality (cf. Gotsis and Kortezi,  Dean and Fornaciari, of research on workplace religion exists despite the religious affiliation of a sizable portion of the global workforce (Baylor Religion Survey, 2006; Juergensmeyer, 2006).


This paper reports a study of Chinese Christian
executives in Hong Kong. The purpose of the
study is to determine the effectiveness of
Christian witness in the marketplace. It is an
exploratory study that adopts an inductive
approach to understanding some of what has
been happening in the marketplace. The reflection
is based on interviews with 119 Chinese
Christian executives who provided their personal
experiences as a database for reflection and
theorizing. There were two criteria for inclusion.
First, those invited to participate are known to
uphold a serious Christian commitment. This
qualifies them as “Christian.” Secondly, those
participating have in-depth business and management
experience. This qualifies them as

Christian belief and political culture

With the Enlargement on May 1 treaty and the December decision on admission negotiations with Turkey, thest, the debate on the European constitutionalTreaty Establishing A Constitution For Europe, I would English translation by Christoph Zeidler
Christian belief and political culture
in Europe
Bishop Wolfgang Huber
Chairman of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD)
Springer-Verlag 2004
Asia Europe Journal (2004) 2: 327–336
DOI: 10.1007/s10308-004-0110-z
current Treaty on the European Union in Article 6 contains the strong
commitment to basic political values, which are the common ground of the
member states’ individual constitutions: ‘‘The Union is founded on the
principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms, and the rule of law, principles which are common to the Member
States’’. The Convent’s draft for the constitutional treaty enlarges this catalogue
of values in Article 2 by adding the term ‘‘equality’’ and emphasising that
‘‘these values are common to the Member States in a society of pluralism,
tolerance, justice, solidarity and non-discrimination‘‘. This catalogue of core
values and the Charter of Fundamental Rights are an essential part of the
future constitution; this is a good basis for Europe’s political culture and for
the European people. Yet, is one European people already to be seen?